Why Does My Teeth Hurt After Cleaning? An Insightful Guide
Are you someone who’s been experiencing tooth sensitivity or pain after getting your teeth cleaned? Well, don’t worry, because you’re not alone! Many people often wonder why their teeth hurt after cleaning. If this sounds like you, then keep reading our insightful guide where we’ll dive into the reasons behind this common issue and provide helpful tips on how to alleviate the discomfort. Get ready to learn more about your dental health and say goodbye to post-cleaning pain once and for all!
The Anatomy of Teeth hurt after cleaning
Teeth hurt after cleaning are extremely important in the doing and eating of food. They are also responsible for the removal of saliva and other oral secretions. Teeth are made up of a hard outer shell and a softer inner bone. The teeth are attached to the jawbone by a series of roots. The roots grow downwards, attach to the jawbone, and then grow upwards.
The four main types of teeth are deciduous (baby) teeth, permanent teeth, molars, and wisdom teeth.
The deciduous teeth come in two flavors: incisors (front), which are sharp; and canines (back), which are blunt but pointy at the end. These teeth will fall out by around age 18-24!
Permanent teeth come in three flavors: central (root central), lateral (side), and retentive (retained). Centrals come in four sizes: small, medium, large, and extra-large. Lateral teeth come in six sizes: small, medium, large, extra-large, jumbo, or super jumbo. Retentive teeth come in nine sizes: small, medium, large, extra-large 2XL+, 3XL+, 4XL+, 5XL+, 6XL+, 7XL+, and 8XL+.
Molars are the largest type of tooth and they’re found at the back of your mouth on either side of your Wisdom Teeth (#8
How to Treat Teeth Pain
When you clean your teeth, the process of flossing and tooth brushing removes bacteria and plaque that can cause tooth pain. However, there are some things you can do to ease the pain while cleaning.
If the pain is severe and doesn’t go away after taking ibuprofen or applying an ice pack, it may be necessary to see a dentist. Many times, certain cavities or problems with teeth roots require more extensive treatment than simple cleaning.
What Causes Teethache?
There are many factors that can contribute to toothache, but the most common cause is tooth decay. When bacteria accumulate in the teeth, it causes a toothache because it irritates the gums and nerve endings in the mouth. Tooth decay can be caused by food, drinks, and tobacco products, as well as UV radiation from the sun. Treatment for teeth ache usually includes a combination of dental care and medication.
The Different Types of Toothaches
Toothache is one of the most common conditions and can be caused by many factors. Toothaches can also be classified according to the source of the pain. There are three main types of toothaches: dental, oral-facial, and post-dental. Dental toothaches are caused by a problem with your teeth or their supporting denture. Oral-facial toothaches are due to an infection in your mouth that has spread to your teeth or gums. Post-dental toothaches are due to problems after you have had a dental procedure, such as a filling or root canal.
The best way to prevent toothaches is by keeping your teeth clean and healthy. To clean your teeth properly, use a soft toothbrush with fluoride and baking soda. Make sure to rinse well and brush all of the surfaces of your teeth. If you experience pain after cleaning your teeth, see a dentist for an evaluation.
How to Treat Teethache
There are a few key things to keep in mind when trying to treat toothache: rest, ice, and ibuprofen. Resting the jaw and taking ibuprofen can help alleviate the pain. If the pain is coming from one specific tooth, applying an ice pack to that area may also help reduce the intensity of the pain. Read more…
Teeth cleaning can be a sometimes daunting task, but with a little understanding of the relevant facts it shouldn’t cause too much pain. In this article, we have outlined some key things to keep in mind when undertaking teeth hurt after cleaning and provided an insight into why teeth might hurt after cleaning. By taking these factors into account before and during your teeth cleaning, you should be able to get through the process without too much discomfort. So next time you’re faced with toothpaste commercials promising “the perfect clean,” remember that there is more to it than just brushing!